Garbage queen Shimla amongst garbage capped mountains of Himachal

Thinking of Shimla, Dharamshala or Manali will lead you to think of snow covered peaks, green and pollution free environs. Let’s get the record straight as most of these hill stations in Himachal will welcome you with tonnes of garbage lying along the streets or thrown along the crevices in forests. The local newspapers write every other day about the crisis like situation in Shimla with respect to garbage disposal. Few days back Nityin a blogger from Shimla raised this issue in his blog. The issue is being raised constantly but a solution is no where in sight.It will be unfair to put the complete blame on the government or Municipal Corporation. A fortnight ago, I saw a young worker of the municipality cleaning the road near bus stand in Shimla at 5:30 in the morning with temperature down to -9 degree Celsius. I distinctly remember him using a broom with bare hands. A news article in one of the prominent Hindi news daily, mentioned about the shortage of staff for keeping Shimla clean.

The problem impacts us in many ways. The immediate impact is in terms of the health of people living in the dirty surroundings. There is an increasing population of street dogs which continue to roam freely, feed on the garbage dumps and on and off do not dither from taking a bite at human flesh. The worst case scenario is when we are left with nothing beautiful to show to our traveller friends in our hill stations.

Garbage dump in Khalini

Garbage dump in Khalini

In the past one year, we have seen all kinds of stakeholders taking initiatives to clean up Shimla. The honourable High Court took upon itself to ban the dumpers in Shimla. Following these orders, the Shimla municipality went ahead and partnered with the Centre for Development Communication, Ahmedabad to implement a door to door collection scheme. However, it is a different matter that the scheme has completely flopped. Now the municipal corporation is planning to blacklist the company.

The government at its level had instructed the forest department to form a committee comprising of Municipal commissioner and representatives of PWD. The committee is yet to meet. It is interesting to note that a proper site to dump garbage in Shimla is yet to be identified. The one in use is already filled up and most of the times garbage is thrown around it and not in it.

garbage near Comberemere hotel and lift

Garbage in the Nallah flowing between the Lift and Hotel Combermere

We, the responsible citizens are to be blamed too. I mean how many times the responsible citizens have thrown garbage inside the dumps and not around it. How many times have we segregated the garbage, which we dispose into perishable and non perishable items. Owners of eateries on the Mall make good money selling pastries, pakoras and sandwiches, but have done little efforts to dispose of paper plates, which tourists throw in bins placed recklessly by them in front of their shops.

Dustbins near eatering on the mall

Dustbins on Mall road, Shimla

Democracy is about engagement. Until and unless citizens engage in the process, it is bound to fail. While talking to my mother, I got to know that the garbage dump in our street in Dharamshala is now being cleaned regularly. What made the difference? The citizens of the area got together and said, “Well, we have had enough”. So they ensure that ward members, municipality officials come to the spot and take responsibility to get the dump cleaned. Sometimes solutions to many problems are quite simple. All we need to do is to engage.

Now we know that Municipal corporation is clueless, so is the Government. It’s time that we the citizens get-together put our brains together and suggest ways to get our habitations clean. We invite our readers to send their suggestions to help tide over this crisis. You can suggest methods of waste disposal which work effectively. Send references of experts on this subject. Tell us how citizens have organised in your neighbourhood to make it clean? Can private sector play some role here?

We promise to compile your views and send it to the concerned officials, follow it up and keep you informed. So leave your comments or Write to Us

6 Replies to “Garbage queen Shimla amongst garbage capped mountains of Himachal”

  1. How is the situation with garbage now? Did it get any better since 2008? I am planning to move to Shimla from Europe and would love to get some advices on life there. Thank you.

  2. Hi Varun

    The issue you have raised is serious and need to be addressed sincerely by all human beings. I experienced at IRMA that the garbage bins were divided into green bin and red bin whereas green bin was to collect fresh peel offs fruits/vegetables and red bin was meant for household hazardous waste. The collection process was initiated after updating the IRMA community on the same.I personally believe following measures would be of help:-
    Not buying stuff that isn’t recyclable
    Starting a compost bin in our backyard
    Using reusable bags when shopping and bringing reusable containers to restaurants for leftovers
    Replacing all our light bulbs with energy-efficient versions, and replacing all our disposable batteries with recyclable ones
    Researching how things are made and what is/isn’t recyclable
    Legally burning clean, dry, untreated organic material
    Various programs on green garbage at local level need to be introduced

    We have to make people understand that organizing and participating in Green Garbage/Bin Programs, you are helping to divert organic materials from landfill and turn them into compost.

    Also we have to realize that, intrinsically, the earth is worth saving – for future generations and for the sake of preserving the natural beauty of the outdoors, which we have all had occasion to marvel at before.

    At individual level I will do my best for go green movement.

    good wishes

    1. Thanks Rachana for your comment. I am sure there are individuals who are taking such initiatives but I always wonder how this can be made into a mass program?

  3. Varun, let us start working with school children, educate them and implement through them. Panchayats will be of help. Divide youth of various sectors such as IT, agriculture,engineering,arts, science and involve them at local level within their periphery and community.Residence welfare associations will be a good platform to initiate.There are many ways to take action and the most important is how to educate literate people and make them understand the value of nature and cleanliness. will discuss in detail the plan of action.thanks and good wishes.

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