Skype login issue on Mac

I was recently trying to install Skype on my Mac machine and for some some reasons it was just not logging in. I was constantly getting an error message saying “Skype can’t connect” error.

A search on the web suggests that many people are facing similar issues.  There are many troubleshooting steps suggested on the web and on the Skype support page as well. Tried upgrading Skype after uninstalling the old version etc.  But none of the solutions worked for me.

Then just out of curiosity looked into the preference tab for Skype for Mac and found a random port number listed there. Changed this port number to default “8000” and voila Skype got connected.  Well the issue was that Mac was blocking the default port which Skype was using and that caused all the trouble.

Lost almost 2 weeks of productive time, with no forum on Skype offering this solution.  And not able to find a contact form or email id to connect with Skype’s support team.

skype_port_change_cannot _connect


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